Ponta Colan Sina, Indonesia (point)
Ponta Colan Sina, Indonesia (point) is geographically located at latitude 9° 10' 58" South of the Equator and longitude 124° 17' 59" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of World. The following locations related to it are represented by the nearest distances two points and may not be nearest by road.
Ponta Colan Sina, Indonesia (point)
Ponta Cotan Sina, Indonesia (point)
Ocussi, East Timor-Indonesia: Ocussi Airport [OEC]
Oecusse, Portuguese Timor: Ocussi [OEC]
Tandjoeng Loebanbatoe, Indonesia (point)
Tandjoeng Loesan Batoe, Indonesia (point)
Ponta Sacato, Indonesia (point)
Tandjoeng Batoemerah, Indonesia (point)
Ponta Batumera, Indonesia (point)
Tandjung Batu Merah, Indonesia (point)
Kefannanoe, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Kefannanu, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Dutch Timor, Indonesia (section of island)
Indonesian Timor, Indonesia (section of island)