UK) is geographically located at latitude 62° 9' 35" South of the Equator and longitude 58° 28' 11" West of the Prime Meridian on the Map of World. The following locations related to it are represented by the line of sight between two points and may not be nearest by road.
Henryk Arctowski - permanent station of Poland (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Artigas - permanent station of Uruguay (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Comandante Ferraz - permanent station of Brazil (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Escudero - permanent station of Chile (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Teniente Jubany - permanent station of Argentina (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
King Sejong - permanent station of South Korea (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Bellingshausen - permanent station of Russia (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva - permanent station of Chile (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Chang Cheng - permanent station of China (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Capitan Arturo Prat - permanent station of Chile (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
General Bernardo O'Higgins - permanent station of Chile (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Esperanza - permanent station of Argentina (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Vicecomodoro Marambio - permanent station of Argentina (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Palmer - permanent station of the US (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Academician Vernadskiy - permanent station of the Ukraine (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Goose Green (Falkland Islands)
General San Martin - permanent station of Argentina (Sector claimed by Argentina/Chile/UK)
Port Stanley (Falkland Islands)
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands-UK: Stanley [PSY]
Port Howard (Falkland Islands)
Ushuaia, Argentina: Islas Malvinas [USH]
Ushuaia, Argentina: Ushuaia Airport [USH]
Rio Grande, Argentina: Rio Grande Airport [RGA]
Orcadas - permanent station of Argentina (Sector claimed by Argentina/UK)